About Jacqui Thornton-Wright

Jacqui Thornton-Wright (she/her) is the creator of Starlight Radio, and on the side is an artist of fibre and visual mediums.

Becoming the creator of some series has been Thornton-Wright’s dream since she was a child, having been inspired by games and anime including Yu-Gi-Oh! and The Legend of Zelda. This inspiration made her feel that there was more to the world than what her little child brain knew.

That feeling of ‘something more’ never left her, and so, she embodied ‘something more’ in the form you see on The Hanaak Directory: Starlight Radio, and the universe it lives in, named Elco.

Thornton-Wright, through the use of words, emulates the vibe of 2000s-era anime, with vivid colours, Science Fiction scenery, and a plot taken seriously.

As Starlight Radio is the name of the fictional band in Elco, Thornton-Wright has a steep interest in all styles of music, from Pop to Rock to Ska and Classical. She uses this inspiration to create an atmosphere within the adventures of Starlight Radio. They’re subtle, but you get points if you catch them in the print.

Jacqui Thornton-Wright is currently based in sunny North Queensland. She loves reading for hanaak, reading oracle cards, bullet journaling, Star Trek, and goofing around in her free time.

What is Hanaak?

Hanaak is the metaphor of a piece of fiction - whether it be classics, Romance, Fantasy, or a mix of all three. When hanaak is used effectively and purposefully, the metaphor within the story is more than just a metaphor - it can bring personal insight to the reader.

It’s one thing to create a strong piece of text with an effective hanaak, but it’s another to analyse every page to discover the metaphor within it. If the work is poor, so is the hanaak. So, Jacqui Thornton-Wright strives to create works of quality with Starlight Radio.

When Thornton-Wright reaches the editing stage of her work, she equips the help of hanaak to add, remove, or change portions of the work. More often than not, the message of each page becomes clearer. When it’s clear enough, she analyses the page and summarises every action, dialogue, and thought into a singular message.