This is not the End

Thank you for riding with Karu, Matt, Jeff, and Tor through this first season of Starlight Radio. I guess it’s Season 0 because this is the origin story of the band. From now on, each season will be 11 episodes. And every so often, I’ll drop a (paid) special in novel or novella format. This hiatus will be the right time to prepare not only a new season, but those paid specials.

If you’re curious as to how the next season will turn out, hit the contact button up the top of the page, and shoot me an email. I can already think of a few questions.

Q: Will the band come together next season?

A: They should do. If not, we’re all screwed.

Q: Will we see Meina again?

A: The Rule of Three is not only a comedy device - it’s also a tragedy device. So if we look at Meina as an inconvenience, we’re probably going to see her again.

Q: Does Karu prefer his martini shaken or stirred?

A: Neither, actually. He’s allergic to alcohol. You won’t see much alcohol reference in Starlight Radio.

In the meantime, I would like you all to analyse the overall metaphor of Season 0. I’ve dropped a few hints in there to make things a little easier. Then, hit me up with an email so I see what you think. I love to see what other people make of it.


Something I’ve Meant to Get Off My Chest


I Planned This Sooner or Later